Welcome, traveler
This is my personal site where I host various projects I work on from time to time. These include web applications, plugin files for Morrowind and Skyrim, guides, and more. More stuff will be (slowly) added over time, so check back often!

This mod adds spell books to each major city, minor city, village, player home, and some faction locations.

My Labor Town house has been updated! See below for the changes!

This mod adds spell books to each major city, minor city, village, and some faction locations.
This mod is my implementation of the slow regeneration of health and magicka of later Elder Scrolls games, but in Morrowind.

Adds a fairly large manor house to the north end of Labor Town (the east side of Balmora). Includes ample storage space! Armor mannequins! Kegs for efficient booze storage!
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